Hi, I’m Andrea.

I'm a seasoned marketing professional with over a decade of experience in PR and Marketing. My specialties lie in developing robust brand strategies, orchestrating event management, and fostering genuine connections within communities. With meticulous attention to detail, I excel in crafting memorable experiences that resonate with audiences.

Throughout my career, my dedication to strategic planning, client engagement, and innovation has consistently driven tangible results and brand success.

Drawing on my extensive experience as a seasoned marketing professional, I excel in developing strategies, envisioning the broader picture, and guiding individuals through challenging situations, making me a proficient coach. I'm deeply committed to helping people unlock their fullest potential and lead purpose-driven lives.

With seven years of expertise in personal development coaching, I specialize in fostering balance, confidence, and routine. Through my workshops, clarity calls, and intensives, I strive to ignite innate authenticity and provide the tools to cultivate a unique sense of purpose. 

Through my journey of self-discovery, I've recognized the transformative influence of routines, rituals, empathy, and creativity. By creating supportive environments, I empower others to flourish authentically, liberated from the need for external validation. My mission is rooted in cultivating belonging and empowerment, particularly among women, by nurturing their inner voice and championing their needs.